Fan-less PC

Hi guys I'm wanting to build a water cooled pc for gaming and possibly production with the only fan being on the power supply, so this system is going to be completely water cooled including the motherboard. I'm kind of on a budget but that budget is more so just finding the cheapest, aesthetically pleasing components that will be reliable, I know I need good quality as the only thing i will be upgrading for a while will be the graphics card.

If someone has done this before could you please recommend a solely water cooled mother board and a ridiculously quiet power supply that's not incredibly expensive.

Also anyone who knows something about water cooling, could you give me an idea on how much rad space I'd need for a complete system with no fans and what temps I should expect. I live in NZ and a hot summers day is about 28 Celsius rarely getting into the 30s.

Thank you.

Hello there,

While the concept of a fan-less PC might sound like a good idea, it isn't easily feasible. Let me explain why...

You mentioned that you want to water cool your system... this offers many benefits over traditional air cooling but it doesn't eliminate the need to use fans to cool off your rads...

As your components heat up the water will heat up too, that's good because the water will carry the heat away from your components however you will need to dissipate that heat somewhere and find a way to cool the water, otherwise you would be circulating hot water around your system and your components will eventually overheat.

Another thing to note is that there isn't much point in water cooling components like the motherboard and RAM, since they don't generate a lot of heat, and almost all of them are designed to be passively cooled anyway.

I hope this helps.



Wait , watercooling fanless ?

go simple fanless .

For a psu : the corsair RM series are cheap and quiet .

Do you want me to make you a silent air cooled build ? What's your budget ?

And if you are looking for silence ( fanless ) watercooling is NOT the way to go .

the pump's are noisy , despite people calling the h100i and mpc 655 's silent .

I have a beast rig in mind , just do this :

Get the biggest air cooler , nh-d15 or the likes

Get a low tdp cpu

Get ssd's

Passively cooled mobo

GPU , get a 970 , those are th most quiet well performing cards, you can under volt them to get near silence at load .

Or cheaper something like a 760 or a 270x , with a good cooler , those are real quiet too .

Well there is a need to do some cooling on vrm and motherboard components. In his theoretical fan-less computer there are no fans to push air over vrm and motherboard heat sinks which is what usually allows them to be passive. Without the fans pushing air constantly over those vrm and motherboard heat sinks they can over heat. Ram can benefit from water cooling but unless its running extremely fast and under above average voltages, there usually isn't a benefit. But in his no fan computer where there are no fans to cool the little heat the ram puts out, it could become an issue. Some fans are definitely going to be needed as you said, but unless he is willing to use enough fans to make somewhat of a wind tunnel in his computer, he'll probably benefit a good bit from water cooling his ram, vrm and motherboard.   

No , you really don't need to cool mobo / ram , even in a fan less pc .

You only need to cool them if you have a high power cpu , witch means more amps going through the board .

Ok , this is what I would buy , you can make it cheaper , I made it good looking , and quiet :

You don't use the cpu fan's 

You under volt and under clock the gpu

Rest is good , use mobo fan control for case fans , and if you need storage , more ssd , or if you want cheap gb's , go for a LAPTOP hdd , something like 2 500gb 5400rpm hdd's for 1TB of quiet storage .

I run with my fans off most of the time. Of course, I'm not cooling the entire board. You will need a LOT of rad space, with thick rads. If you have enough radiator space, you won't need fans up to a point, but you woul dneed a very spacious case.

Well , he wants silence and a pump is not silent .

And yes , you will need A LOT of rad space , like really .

You can , as in my recommended build , just run the case fans off the board , and have them turn on when the cpu / gpu get hot .

You used a micro atx case and atx board, a generally warmer cpu compared to its similarly clocked low power borther: , and then a noctua d15 with no fans would run cooler by a degree to maybe even three. 

Whoops , took the wrong case , they have almost the same name .

Yes , it will be better than the xeon , if you want to spend the 50 extra , it might be worth it .

Updated build

The xeon has an extra 19W of power used thus that much more heat. The 4970s is cherry picked to run in quiet systems, thus the lower power consumption and heat output. The performance gap will be negligible at only 200mhz difference.