Fallout 4 on Xbox One is getting Mods

Continuing the discussion from The Lounge:

What do you guys think?

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I think it's cool, I remember way back in the day I would mod gamesaves for xbox 360 games. It was fun, but you could get banned for it. This combined with backwards compatibility on the Xbone makes me kinda maybe just a little bit want one.

I will try to keep an open mind, but I feel like this is going to be a pile of fail.

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It is E3, the biggest convention of lies. lol


Exactly. That is why I don't even bother with E3. Even gameplay videos are lies now.

I don't see how this would work though. My guess is not all mods will work. Prob no graphical mods or anything that big of a deal. Will prob be some workshop type thing. With curated mods that won't ruin performance or have "explicit or unacceptable" content.

More like:
“We are allowing mods on the XBone because we are too lazy to fix bugs by ourselves.” -Bethesda

You mean xbone is geting payed dlc 'coff' mods

I would love to hear about some poor fool grabbing something like the HD texture pack for Shadow of Mordor and trying to run it.