Fake mpcie adapter

Hello, recently I bought what I believe to be a mpcie to pcie adapter. http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/231609941213?lpid=82&chn=p... I unplugged the wireless card on my dell latitude d630 (that tells you it is mpcie indeed not m.2). I plugged my desktop power supply into the board for power and kept the 6 pin power plugged into my amd r9 370. I plugged my gpu into the pice of the adapter and powered my pc up. I then powered up my laptop and looked for new hardware in terminal using lspci. I saw no new hardware or any saying amd/advanced micro incorporated/radeon on linux mint. I then booted up a copy of windows 10 which had the gpu drivers installed already. I saw no new devices or anything amd related in device manager. I had also tried booting up the laptop before powering the pc power supply with no success. Thanks for any advice.

I think I know what you're doing. Trying to bodge an external GPU for your laptop?

The slot in the laptop may simply not support anything other than Blue Tooth/Wireless adapters. It may not have the logic to trigger more complex devices. Has anyone else done what you are trying to do exactly.

Recently I tried to upgrade the wireless card in my Zotac Nano by simply swapping in a more recent Intel module but it just won't recognise it without a BIOS update and Zotac support weren't planning any updates.

It's possible to probable that your laptop will only recognize whitelisted devices on your mpcie slot without modding the bios. Don't be so quick to blame the adapter. also, it seems you've bought an electrically 1x adapter without adequate auxiliary power, which will never be able to power something as demanding as that GPU.

It is being powered by a six pin power plug.

Is this device much difference that the Hwtools pe4h?

The FDD Four Pin Power input needs to be connected, and you need to short the power supply to turn on. I'd bet money its not clicking on as is, as you didn't mention having a jumper as so:

to make the unit turn on. Without a jumped 24 pin, its not going to supply any power at all.

You'd need one of these for the 4 pin FDD (floppy disk drive) connector:

This one adapts from molex power.

The kit comes with the power cable, same as the one you listed. For the jumper it sounds like he is using the power supply in his tower, turning on the PC and just plugging a spare 6 pin into the GPU outside the PC. So both the laptop and a PC are running but the PC is only there to give power right now.

I have seen these before but they were full size x16 slots, not wired up fully I expect but physically full size unlike the x1 on this one. Connected to the mpcie like this one, but more components on the external part to deal with power and a 6 pin for power to the slot instead of the FDD with this one.

Yes indeed my pc is powered it with its six pin and a a molex connector. I tuned my desktop into a jump starter bridge essentially.

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I could not find anywhere to download a modded bios for my dell d630. The links where dead on the forums I went to.