"Failed To Initialize Direct3D"

I just got the new Tomb Raider because it seemed like a fun game, but when i try to run it the following message/error shows up:

Failed To Initialize Direct3D with current settings.

If i click on "options", the game crashes. After a little googleing I found a few people who had the same problem with Underworld and the replies told them they had an outdated graphics card.

I have a 660 with the newest drivers. Any advice?

Does this game have a launcher like for example Skyrim? I mean is there an oprions menu that pops up before the game actually launches?

Yes it does, but it crashes when I click on options.

Can you get to the main menu in the game or does it crash after launching?

The laucher comes up. If i press play, the error comes and the game does not lauch. If i press options, it crashes and the classic dialog: "Tomb Raider has stopped working".

How many monitors are you using?

Mainly one 1440p, but I also have my TV connected via HDMI.

In the Nvidia control panel is the "Multi-display/Mixed-GPU Acceleration" set to "Single Display Performance Mode"?

Still doesn't work. I have no idea what to do here...


What I have tried so far: Vertifying the integrity of local game cache

Deleting local files and downloaded it again

Tried with the following drivers; 314.07, 313.96, 310.90

Reinstalling DirectX 11

Thousands of reboots

Checked that Direct3D is enabled in dxdiag.

After downgrading to win 7 i got into options and after unchecking exclusive fullscreen the game was able to launch. But I wan't my win 8 back!

"After downgrading to win 7 i got into options and after unchecking exclusive fullscreen the game was able to launch. But I wan't my win 8 back!"

That is what I was going to have you do in the options but since you said you couldn't get there without the game crashing I didn't know what else to tell you. I'm sorry I couldn't help you further before you downgraded. But I would never recommend someone downgrade their OS for just one game. Windows 8 is new, Tomb Raider has only been out for two days. I'm sure there will be a patch for the game on PC relatively soon as there always is with PC games after release. At least you got it working though, hope you enjoy it :)

I have lots of licenses and I don't have to activate it. Will go back to 8 when I'm done withe the game.

Chuck this in a .reg and it will fix your problems, then select exclusive full screen


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crystal Dynamics]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crystal Dynamics\Tomb Raider]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crystal Dynamics\Tomb Raider\Controls]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crystal Dynamics\Tomb Raider\Controls\Unknown]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crystal Dynamics\Tomb Raider\Graphics]


Oh wow that didnt work too good lol. Here take the file instead.

tombraider.reg (10 KB)


I've had this problem. I'm running windows 7 64 bit. After I clicked on shortcut to my game, a window opens, in which I can click "play" but when I clicked it, a message appeared: "failed to initialize Direct3D with curent settings."

I found a solution here: http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Tomb_Raider_%282013%29#Force_DirectX_9_renderer_on_DirectX_11_systems

In case the link is broken, or wathever, here is the description from that page:

  1. Launch the Registry Editor (open the Start screen/Start menu, click on Run and type regedit into the window that apperas and hit Enter).
  2. (on the left) Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crystal Dynamics\Tomb Raider\Graphics
  3. Modify RenderAPI value (on the rigth) to 9.

Note: Revert to 0 for DX11, anything else will result in DX11 renderer with some DX11 features disabled.

So, it simes that the problem was that win 7 supports DirectX 11, but the game wanted to run on DirectX 9. After 3 days of googling the solution, I've found a bunch of forums that helped some poeple, but not me. After I did this 3 steps and like it is written in Note above, everything that has a "DX11" in the name, I've put to 0. Then I run the game and it worked!

I should probably say this too: people usualy say, it's not wise to change stuff in the registry, so if you are going to do this, you are doing this on your own risk. (I did not have any problems with the game or windows so far).

Oh, and tanks to Luke Richards!

I tryed the same thing and then I colud go to options. But no metter what I've set up, I allways got the "Failed to initialize Direct3D."

So in case my first post to this question isn't working, try Luke Richards solution and then try mine again.