Facebook Hackers and D.O.S attacks, questions

Hi all, first post here, i was going though my facebook timeline the other day when i saw that a friend had almost had her facebook account hacked and i think it failed as she said facebook sent her a message with the hackers IP address and th face that their phone was on the T-Mobile nework, so to start... how do people hack into facebook, as i thought it was relativly secure. so how do people hack into others facebook account.

now secondly, when she said she got the IP of the person, if you were to do a DOS attack from home (i have seen in videos "appartently" you can do them from CMD and windows NT using different methods, could someone please clarify, i can link you to were i found the info and the method if you want to test it) if you do a DOS attack from home using CMD or windows NT as i was saying, and it was an attack on a specific IP address like my friend would have gotten, what affect would it have, would it make everyone using that IP address's computer run slow or freeze or would it use all the bandwidth of their internet. what sorta affect would it have.

Thank you for your help, i would like to learn more about hacaking and how to do it, not to attack anyone, i think i wouldn't do that, especialy not seriously,the only reason i would do it would be to troll a friend, and they would know that i was doing it before hand.

But anyways, thanks in advance for any help, and sorry for any spelling grammer and punctiation mistakes :P

Yea, I don't know where you got your information from and I don't think you're going to get any decent information by posting on a forum asking how to learn about hacking facebook.

The only real flaw with facebook's security is that people are idiots when it comes to choosing security questions.

As for the rest, start by understanding what's wrong with this video:


To answer your second question, you obviously don't have a complete understanding about the way that works, so I'll explain it to you. The videos that you watched could be fake, you can only ping using CMD, not DOS somebody. Ping is completely unrelated. As for the effects of the DOS attacks, you got it right. For future reference, don't listen to some of the people on YouTube. If you want to do some research, YouTube is not one of the trustable sources, since the members can post whatever they want.


EDIT if you want a free "stresser" http://exresolver.com/ ;D


Its extremely rare that facebook its self is ever hacked, i hate facebook but i have to give them probs for having a very good network/server setup. (they also pay people who report security weakness's so its usually better for a hacker to report it and get paid than abuse the flaw)

Most of the time when people loose their accounts its due to really bad security settings within facebook (people guess your password etc) or through 3rd party apps like keyloggers/trojans etc.

You need some kind of botnet to perform a ddos attack as far as  im aware, and as max says just running ping-t through cmd prompt isnt gunna do anything to somone, unless they have a net connection from the 60's and a first edition abc computer maybe haha :P

You made me laugh, thanks :D

As for the botnet, I haven't really looked into that, but as far as I'm concerned, booters (or "stressers" to avoid the term for the illegal use of it) are the only way I know of that somebody can use to perform a DOS attack.

As for the rest, start by understanding what's wrong with this video:


 The fact that his user account is spelled "@ust1n"?

Something else I noticed is you both have the same profile picture. (his windows user account and your forum account)

you see it at 3:45

jokes aside, this video gave me a good laugh.

in the very beginning facebook didnt even have https connections by default. You could spoof everyones log-in cookie by being on the same wifinetwork (even WPA's). I tried this. it WORKED. even on an android phone (droidsheep)

Facebook was almost too stuborne to adopt https, even when firesheep highlighted the issue. I'm sorry but facebook sysadmins are arrogant as **** for all I saw.

The way to hack a facebook easily is to know the person, and know who they are and what they answer as security questions, what their passwords are, etc...


Another way is cookie stealing. Setting up a webserver that has php code that steals the other's cookies. Post that link on facebook and boom.. people go and cookies are stolen. Best way to do this is to setup a webpage that tricks facebook into thinking its grabbing an image from the link. When users click on it.. it'll bring them to a 404 error message screen, so they think nothing of it. What really happens is that all there internetz cookiez are stolen. woo!




P.S. This is why you must be carefull clicking ads, going to random websites, going to games on facebook, what websites you use to sign your facebook in with. It's all very dangerous. Tell her to never use facebook as a login for another site.. don't click ads, don't play games on facebook. All are very helpful.

Droidsheep is basically a session hijacking app. its officially closed now but still it’s available on third party sites. here: http://droidsheep.org/

keyloggers easiest way

@MisteryAngel hey dutchie lass… you missed a necro here… LOL will you close it?

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