
My PC was racked. It automatically updated itself and now I no longer have access to the "start" (Metro) or anything else. I can open windows thorough the task manager thanks to Ctrl + Alt + Del but I don't know how to fix it. When I logged in there is only the mouse cursor and a black background. Does somebody knows how to fix this?

For fuck sake that's not enough Information.


How can I access it over a "Run" command

I'm trying it out now, thanks. Why didn't I think of it?

i know your pain man, my college i go to currently requires me to have automatic updates enabled. but i did some registry edits so that my PC doesnt just reboot after they install. well GTA V went ape shit on me and windows on reboot decided to install them. i just had a damn BSOD because a critical process died...im not to damn happy with microsoft ATM. or this college

make a start up .bat script and stick this in it

@echo off
net stop “windows update”

Basically what that does is it prevent automatic reboot when your PC updates itself on your current session. As to prevent WinUpdate from fucking up your computer..... No idea.

thanks for the reply's and help. The System Restore wouldn't work but I figured out somehow (mostly magic) that the culprit was Start Is Back. I deleted it and it logged me off from my account. I logged back in and it worked fine no black background, no glitches, everything works fine.

Most likely reason you didn't think of it was you where having a "holy sht!" moment and your brain was trying to grasp the enormity of your problem.