F/S: BFG GTX 280 w/ XSPC Razer Full Coverage Water

Up for sale is my BFG GTX 280 OC Edition 1GB graphics card and attached XSPC Razer full coverage water block. I am looking to sell the graphics card and water block together. The original stock cooler for the graphics card will not be included.

The exhaust bracket to the card was scratched upon removal of the original stock cooler. Thus, I painted it matte black. Please note the paint job and scratch on the GTX 280 exhaust bracket in the photos below. If specifically requested, I will repaint the exhaust bracket matte black again.

The card does not come with a manufacturer's warranty since BFG is no longer in existence.

I am asking [S]$130 shipped[/S] [B]$105 shipped (shipped w/in CONUS only)[/B]. Payment made via paypal. If you are local to the South Florida area and you physically pickup the card, then we can work out a cheaper deal as shipping charges would not be incurred.

[U]Included in the sale[/U]:

-GTX 280 OC edition graphics card w/ already attached XSPC Razer full coverage waterblock

-1 S-video breakout cable

-1 HDMI cord

-1 DVI to VGA adapter

-1 DVI to HDMI adapter

[U]Not included in sale[/U]:

-GTX 280 original stock cooler

-GTX 280 back plate






>buy without loop

>passively cooled 280


^troll logic

^ No really? I would have never known. :3


Bump for a permanent price drop to $105 shipped (w/in CONUS only).

i can buy justy give me a few days to think about it