F$%@ comcast AND CenturyLink: tru story

I' will try to make this as simple and non convoluted as possible, despite it being ridiculous and convoluted.


I wake up to a Century link sales person at my door telling me please sign up for new FIBER IN YOUR AREA!

(I have Comcast currently, 40down/10up.) I said sign me up. I've been waiting for fiber, forever! She makes a call to her representative at century link and puts me on the phone with them. The person tells me in your area we now have 40down/5up. Im like well thats not very much, also really slow for fiber. I said do you have a higher tier? she says we do, but it's 20 down/10 up, it just increases your up speed, but lowers your down. I told her she was crazy and to quote logan "this is not a finite resource, even more so in FIBER FORM,   (i have no inner monologue, and i said alot more). so she hung up on me. I explained to the sales person at my door, she wasn't well informed, and should learn a more about her company. 

I immediately called century-link to find out if they really did have fiber in my area. The first person said no, we are currently running it in your area. I asked to speak to a supervisor. He told me that anything above 12mbs is considered "fiber" in their company and that fiber IS available now.. I again told him he was crazy and that 12mbs is nothing anywhere near fiber. he said he didn't ' know much about it... and transferred me to tech support... we got disconnected and i called back..Then a some-what intelligent young girl answered. I told her the story, she laughed and said... YOU DO NOT HAVE FIBER IN YOUR AREA... they have run it up to the base, and are doing construction in your area. It will not be ready for months... I said thank you.

Please discuss...

nothing to discuss here, just stuff to laugh at....

Had something similar happen, guy came to my door offering 40/5 called it fiber. We tried it for a month and got real speeds of 24/4 and packet loss and shitty ping compared to our comcast connection. Until they offer 1 Gbit fiber, I don't want anything to do with century links "fiber"

Yer lucky u got competition. Most small towns have shell companies all running on the backbone of the main ISP.

Wow, that sucks. That said, I get 12 down and 1 up. I'm on Baja Broadband and I'm paying for their 100 megabit teir. My internet goes out at least once a day. Not happy. -__-

When I moved to Shippensburg PA my apartment building was new and they had actually run a fiber line to the building and then to a switch which connected all the apartments.  Except because the mennonite's built the buildings and there was dispute with the builder all the apartments were wired with jacks for DSL phone hookups instead of the proper connections to the switch.  When I called up for service the people told me I needed a DSL modem which made sense at the time.  I get the modem in the mail, no internet.  I went to my friends place and he had a external jack put on his wall with the correct pairs attached.  I called Century Link again and was assured that I had DSL.  I went on my own to look up their Fiber Support phone number and finally got in touch with a guy that said "Yes you have fiber, the sales reps usually don't know what they are talking about, we will have to send someone out because your building is wired different than any other in the area."  After all my trouble and not having internet for a month after calling to set it up they still charged me for the install and gave me the biggest POS Zyxel router imaginable that I paid 6 bucks a month for ( I was assured by the tech that he would return my old modem and I would not be charged for the new router since no one would know I had it).  The speed was good when the router would was working.  Then when I moved and in their own contract it said if you move out of the service area there is no cancel fee, and I was assured by the representative that there would be no charge, I got a bill for 250 bucks for ending my contract.  I called them to say WTF and they promptly removed the charge.  

Fuck every ISP, I pay time warner cable $35 per month for 15mbps/1mbps but get throttled down to fucking 2mbps/idefk. 

IF it wasn't for the totally fucked up state government and some of the social issues inherent down here , I would tell you all to move to south Louisinana. Lafayette specifically. I have COX cable that was 50d/15up and they just doubled our speed for free. Yes I download regularly from Steam at 12.5-13.5 Mega BYTES per second. We also have municipal fiber, and have had it for years, with 100d/50u for $50/month. I can't get it because I'm in an apartment. Then we have AT&T.......... and I have nothing else to say about them.