Extremely Budget PC,suggestion please

Like the title said,this is a extremely budget gaming pc and only for gaming.

I want to take this from places to places,sort of like a LAN rig.
Give this PC a name please! Also leave some sugggestion for better parts down below.

Specs are here : http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1ROkE

Let me know what you think.

what is your max budged?

i would strongly recommend bare minimum to have a 4 core CPU. If you have to go AMD APU or FX-43xx CPU, they do mATX for 780 chipset for AM3+ side and tons of mATX for the APU.  Same with RAM, i strongly suggest 8GB of RAM.  All next gen games will demand 8GB's.  For the video card, for low end graphics the 7790 will be fine, but i would check Ebay, Craigslist, or Amazon for some slightly used 7950 which will cost around the same as a 7790 brand new, if anything is wrong with the video card, it will still have warranty so it's not always so bad.

For a case check out this link:


i personally like the cougar spike for a little case.



you can overclock this really good. play bf3 on ultra and 50fps average.

2x2gb isn't alot so if you can, get some 2x4gb.

We can't find athlon anymore in my country (malaysia)

I'll ship it from amazon,updating spec list on my pcpartpicker.