Extreme price drop HD 7950

Holy cow. Take a look at this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007709&IsNodeId=1&Description=7950&name=Desktop%20Graphics%20Cards&Order=PRICE&Pagesize=20

The 7950's have gotten an extreme price drop..


This might make waiting for amds next set of cards hard for me to do...

2 of those in crossfire is a hell of a lot of power for a hell of a good price. 

It's too good to be true....... Might just pick one up.

Wow, I might return my 760 now.

That's nothing, a couple months ago newegg had a sapphire 7970 for 300.

I just noticed they have brand new Asus HD 7870 DCII v2s for 220 dollars, 200 after mail-in rebate, thats a hell of a deal for a card that overclocks decently.