ExpressCage MB038SP-B fans not running

I’ve just finished off moving my nas from an itx build to the s382, and its been a bit of a rought ride, my bottom of the bin itx psu seems to have overcurrent protected itself for life - it no longer provides cpu power - after i tried powering the backplane and the expresscage with it’s sata/molex connectors, but that’s alright as i just had a corsair overnighted to me and that one is holding up well. However, the icydock 5.25 sata bay (ExpressCage MB038SP-B) isn’t getting fan spin. The fans don’t spin with either the oem two pin fans nor with the replacement 3 pin noctua NF-A4x20 FLX. smartctl reports the drives as only reaching 16-29c, so I’m wondering if maybe it’s just not turning the fans on because they’re reasonably cool, but I can’t find any info on the about there being a zero rpm/fan off mode.

Anyone (other than Wendell - I think he mentioned using it in the s382 review?) also got the MB038SP-B who could tell if the fans spin at ssd idle or not? Would help me know if I have a faulty unit or not. Thanks.