Expert opinion on data privacy

I object. Signal uses proprietary servers, and stores everyone’s phone number in plain text on their proprietary servers. The app is open source and uses open source encryption protocols, but it stops there. The servers that host all your communications are proprietary, and the creator; Moxie, threatens to sue anyone who develops a fork of signal that sends less data to their proprietary servers, even though they’re using the GPLv3 license.

Use an XMPP server instead, and the open source Conversations app as the front end if you’re serious about privacy.

Isnt there a server source code on github?

Also, I’d like a source or the exact quote on the threaten to sue. I havent encountered any if this before…

EDIT: the last time Signal server was updated was Feb of this year.

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sadly they aint story’s mate they are history. so in a way yes.

my concern is, we are allowing our governments and corporations to build monsters.
that they claim are to protect us from the bad guys.
yep! the very same bad guys they sold weapons to so they had a bad guy to point to.
these data monsters are so big and prolific that if a proper bad guy gets his hands on…

woohoo. FUN TIMES FOR ALL!.*…
not really it could easily turn into industrial killing on a scale that would make hitler, stalin and mao blush with envy if they so chose…
extreme i know but it happened more than once before, just not in such a technically EASY way.

like i say we currently building AI monsters that could allow this, its up to us to change the law and say no to the public wilful misuse and outright theft of our data because it seems our governments wont.

There’s an entire github dispute between moxie and the creators of LibreSignal (the open source fork of signal with less telemetry)

This was years ago too. It’s very old news, which is in fact why I’m so surprised everyone is now, 5 years later recommending this app as a viable private messaging service, that is suspicious at best.

I wonder, is out of laziness to learn how to host a basic XMPP server, or are people paid to promote it?

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Likely this. The app with less pain points will rise above the rest.

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Sources please. Especially if it was a long time ago. Would like to see telemetry too.

What does a private XMPP server got to do with an E2E encrypted messaging app? Mind you, I’ve hosted an XMPP server in the past. How can you compare hosting your own server and having an app on your phone? How many people out there know how to host a server? Why do they need to host a server? Can you have secure communications without the complexity of hosting a server? If yes, then why do you need an XMPP server?