Expensive Motherboards?

From a pure gamer perspective, are there benefits to getting a higher end motherboard? It seems like cheaper motherboards come with most of the adapters required for gaming such as a pcie slot.

depending allot on which cpu you wanne go in the first place, and if you are tempting to overclock, basicly those over expensive boards is not realy something to bother about, unless you realy need some of the exclusive feutures they come with. Or you wanne go into extreme overclocking.

For most gamers, those over expensive boards wont be very interessting.  There are allot of budget friendly gaming related mobo´s.

If you want some good advice on mobo´s, then just tell us which cpu you wanne go with. I allready know that you are a gamer, so offcourse i have some specifick boards in mind allready

oh no I was just curious. I was wondering what I was missing out when I opted to go for a cheap motherboard when I built my computer. Also, does the quality of the motherboard affect gpu overclocking? Thanks!

What you are missing with a realy cheap mobo´s then im talking about boards that are less then $100,- so basicly the low entry level boards, then you offcourse miss allot on connectivity, and also overclocking feutures. those boards are basicly abit useless wenn you are wanne go with an unlocked cpu. Because the vreg design will also not be that great on those boards mainaly.

GPU overclocking will not be effected due the mobo basicly.

However if you offcourse going into sli or crosfire setups, then the amount of pci-e lanes, that a board has provided do matter.

Well there are three things to really think about:

  1. Chipset which dictates most of the functions, i.e. pcie lanes, USB port numbers, whether it can overclock or not etc..etc..
  2. Features, motherboard specific features put in by vendors (such as better networking chips, better sound chips)
  3. Quality of components.

This is great. Thanks a lot!