Nikon is going to release the Nikon DF. Now this might be the one single digital camera that a lot of photographers have been anticipating for the last decade. The Nikon F-cameras are legendary, not only because they stop bullets from AK74's, but also because they have the camera controls exactly right, more than any camera ever built. The F-design has been the leading design in cameras from the 50's, when the first F Nikon came out, to well into the 2000's, when the FM3a came out (which I still use almost every day). The simplicity of the controls, the intuitive genius of the design, the small form factor, the indestructible silurmin construction, etc... have simply never been equalled by any other camera design. It's just like an invisible camera, it just does what it has to do and stays out of the way of the photographer. Also, there is nothing like full manual controls, especially manual focus, for creating better shots, and things like mechanical DoF preview are much more efficient and convenient than chimping and spray-and-pray practices that were introduced with digital cameras. So if Nikon really delivers, and the DF is just a hell of a photographer's camera like the F-Nikons, and the old non-Ai lenses work as they should, then this is my next camera, I just hope it's not just a marketing "retro" piece of crap, but a true F-reincarnation. I have my hopes up high, because they've already stated that it will not have video for instance, which means that they have focused on the wishes of traditional photographers that want to make the most out of that one image.
Very excited about this! Anyone else share the excitement?