I am going to give my old 2700x to my parents in exchange for their 1800x. I figure I don’t need the 2700x for my use case as a secondary file server and my dad does 3d graphics work. So the 2700x should be good for him and longevity for my mom (She use office, firefox and that is about it). Anyways what project could I use with their 1800x? Btw, I did not spend 500 dollars on the 1800x for their computer. I got it from microcenter a year after it launched so it was like 220 USD.
Wait, if you take the chip from your file server and switch it out with your parent’s desktop chip and then you do some project with that 1800X … what happens to your file server?
I guess I didn’t explain that very well. I am not using the 2700x as a file server, I just happen to have that on my mind as a possible project. My file server is a synology disk station currently.
Got it.
Well, anything compute intensive goes, I guess.
Streaming computer, vm server, transcode system, … a ridiculous HTPC
So I can at the moment end up with three systems, a 1800x, a 2700x and a 3900x. One of them is going to my parents, one of them is going be used for something that I have yet to decide and the 3900x is my handbrake machine. As I have a NAS as a file server on my local network I don’t think I need to use the 1800x for that. I just am wondering would it make sense to use that as a strict gaming system for guests that come over or something?
As well as everything else you do on the desktop, correct? Says so in your profile.
… uuuuuuuhhmm,
Maybe? If I’d do that, I would want to build that system as small as possible so that I can also use it as a transportable rig, basically a LAN rig. But you might want to switch the chip for something that is less hot.
It is my main rig in general, the 3900x uses like 70% transcoding a 1080p bluray to hevc/mp4… So I generally have youtube open and listening to creedence or @SgtAwesomesauce switchfoot. xD
I’m still waiting for a reason to put my Phenom X3 and Gt 520 to use.
If the North Koreans launch an EMP strike we’re all set!
Habe you tried consolidating youtube video feeds, podcasts amd rss feeds into your own rss server?
How to do?
Tiny tiny RSS https://tt-rss.org
It has an android client. I havent used it myself. Maybe its better to let nextcloud do this if you have one instance of it running. Nextcloud has its own rss
Because I’m stupid, run old operating systems on it. I want to see windows 2k freak out and have a shitfit.
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