EVGA Precision X is annoying me

I have 2 factory overclocked GPU's. Even though I can overclock it more, it quickly thermal throttles below stock, so that part is useless.

It won't load at startup either but that's not a big deal. And yes, I'm using the latest version of drivers, PX and GeForce Experience.

The really annoying part is that the only reason I use PX is to monitor frame rate, temps, ram, % usage, etc during graphics tuning on a new game. Every time I launch Precision X, all of my custom settings are wiped back to stock. There are a lot of fiddly little settings that I have to change. Every. Single. Time.

Even stranger is there is an option to display CPU performance on the in game overlay. Sometimes. Some days the option is there, some days it's not. How is that even possible?

I have contacted EVGA tech support and asked on their forums but I get no answers. I have tried MSI Afterburner and RivaTuner Statistic Server, but I find those to be even more confusing. Should I try to fix Precision X, switch to RivaTuner or is there something better? Is there a file that saves my settings that I can back-up and restore?

I just use Rainmeter, probably even more confusing again.

Thanks @Zibob ! I will try that. I'm using Rainlendar so I have a calendar on my desktop. It is hard but I did manage to figure it out.

Well using thing to supply info you can have all of what you want beside the FPS, but steam will supply that. I use openhardware monitor to pass the info on to rainmeter.