I am trying to decide on which of the two GPU's to buy, i have an old 6000 series amd video cards.
What benefits would i be getting from buying the 4GB Version over the 2GB version. The core clocks are the same, and they both have the same amount of cuda cores. So would it be better to get the 4GB or just buy the standard card?
If you have a recommendation for another card. Which one? and can you explain why? I am not a fanboy so, i want to get the best for my money.
Thank you!
depends what you're doing really, im probably not the best person to answer this, but in terms of games more ram is better at high resolutions (1440p and up) the 760 is basically just a slightly slower gtx 670, so if you can get a card thats as powerfull or more for the same price from amd. But anyway, 2gb is probably all you're gonna need, since a gtx 670 wont run most games "strongly" at above 1080p. there's a range of other things you could probably use the ram for, but I don't know much about that. My suggestion is if you're just like most people and just playing games, get the 2gb version.
Also I heard something about the gtx 680 4gb actually having worse ram speeds than the 2gb due to the bus width or something, I vaguelly remember so perhaps its worht looking up, I assume the same problem would be on the 670 and in turn the 760.
if your gaming on more monitors you should go for the 4gb card but 2gb should be plenty for 1 1080p monitor i shoudl think
The extra ram is probably a good investment. Games are using moer and more vram as time goes on, so later on in the future, you might see the usefulness of the extra ram rear its head. If I remember correctly, the difference in price is somewhere around $20. I say go for it.
That being said the more vRAM will come in use with higher resolutions remember this. Crysis 3 on a titan uses about 2.1GB of vram @ 1080p
Most games don't even use 1.5GB of vram @ 1080p.
And a 760 doesn't have enough horsepower to drive higher resolutions (surround) without lowering the settings- thus potentially lowering the vRAM requiements.
Does anyone have a recommendation on a certain vendor?
What are the benefits with the 4gb when talking about editing and rendering (videos/cad)?
Awesome, Thanks everybody