So with star wars it has really been a love hate relationship for me. I am a child of the 80's so I grew up with it. And thanks to my brother who is uber star wars fan. I have a good understanding of both the film and expanded universe. But no means an expert. So if you have not seen the trailer here it is.
Ok so here are my thoughts. I like the look of the new storm trooper armor. The new droid that rolls around on a ball is a fantastically stupid idea that I do like. Just as dumb as a trash can on wheels. New x-wings look nice and sleek. Kind of disappointed that the movie is going back to Tatooine again. The other world in the trailer seems to be Yavin 4. And the snow covered area could be in the mountains of Yavin 4. Reason I think it could be is the Sith have always had a strong pull with the force there. If anyone wanted to look for Sith relics that would be a good spot. The mountains of Yavin where suppose to have ruins of Sith temples in the expanded universe. Other than that the voice in the trailer sounds like Benedict Cumberbatch. And the YT-1300 freighter could be the Millennium Falcon. But if it is she has been cleaned up and the comm's dish has been changed.
So what are your guys thoughts and feelings about the trailer? And the direction that it seems to be heading in?
Well, the action graphics look far cooler. After reading over 200 Star Wars books, I wonder where this movie is going to fall into the timeline of the whole Star Wars story. This time line.
I felt meh for most of it, except for the red lightsaber. Like seriously I feel like the handguard (or whatever you call it) looks dumb.
I'm pretty convinced I'm going to walk into the movie and hate it just because of this bad first impression. And when my first impression isn't bad I tend to expect something awful and I end up disliking it.
Sort of a similar thing happened with the Hobbit, although I do like it more after more times watching it. Maybe a similar thing will happen with this.
Yeah I don't care Disney. All of that over stuff I'm going to continue counting as canon. Sure some of it was crap but with how much there is... I just find it disgusting they threw it all out.
I mean, I understand how hard it is to write something that will fit all of the existing material. But it still frustrates me.
The broad saber looks like it was brought over from one the dark horse comic books. Can't remember what one. And I feel like because that last movies where bad there is some blood in the water. I'm ready for a some what relaunch of the series. I think its funny that there is junked pod racers in the background.
I did not see lens flair or over green screen heavy effects. So I am not ready to hate on it yet.
I liked the looks of most of it. It did come across very J.J. Abrams like. Similar shooting style he used for the new Star Trek films.
Like one of the YouTube comments said, the voiceover sounded a lot like Benedict Cumberbach. Although I don't think he's been announced as part of the cast, I could imagine him playing a Sith lord.
Also, I think they've worked on the theme a bit more. There was very noticeable, bassy percussion.
Im not going to judge too soon. They already made a good decision in tossing out the EU and hopefully having Lawrence Kasdan working on the screenplay will help.
Admittly, it was alittle messy but its still like deciding to throw out most of the Dragonlance series just so you can rewrite it to make a profit. Ya, Think poorly of this. I do. :)
Star Wars for me is like pizza. All pizza is pretty good, some pizza is better some is worse. But pizza is always good. Worst case scenario the movie is good eye candy.