I was looking to buy a R9 390 from a local shop here and they told me that they have a VTX3D R9 390 available. I was then planning to get it next week, but I am unfamiliar with the brand, apart from it being a TUL corporation company same as Powercolor.
With that said, does any one have any experience with the brand? Is it reliable?
That is the only brand thus far that is close to the original prices in the States; others such as MSI have jacked up prices =/
I owned a VTX3D 7870 XT it's rated as the fastest one with an i5-4670K on Firestrike, so I guess its not all bad.
It's been running overclocked for a good many year, totally maxed out, and it never skips a heartbeat.
I don't believe in the marketing of cards, its ridiculous. Under water and air all the cards have decent VRMs and the chips all come from the same manufacturer. I have personally had more problems from the big manufacturers who add stupid stuff like voltage locks etc to their cards.
Buy Ref, Buy whatever brand and watercool it if you want performance. If you're going LNO the requirement is different, and I don't know about that.
The OC is a silicon lottery, all modern card push 1.6 volts to 425 Watt easy anyway, which is overkill for air or water.
VTX3D is a bit like Club 3D, and HiS
They make AMD cards for a long time allready, and they are basicly fine.
Most of time you dont get the most silent cooling solutions with those cards.
But thats mostly the reason why they are tend to be a bit cheaper.
Because the cooling is a bit less decent, then with Sapphire or Msi cards for example.
TUL has the brand Powercolor and VTX3D.
Reliable enough. Every brand can suffer from a dodgy batch every now and then.
Always keep reciepts in case you need to RMA.
Like everyone has said, it's a TUL Corp brand. I would expect it to hold up as well as PowerColor cards, and PowerColor cards are borderline excellent.