Over the past months I’ve had it happen a couple of times that my PC just does a hard reboot.
What I mean by that: screen goes black, fans blow hard, and suddenly it’s booting like I just pressed the power button.
I’ve tried checking the logs, but all I’m getting is message about the moment of boot.
Thermals seem fine.
Some specs:
OS: Win10
The motherboard: X470 AORUS GAMING 7 WIFI (rev. 1.0) Key Features | Motherboard - GIGABYTE Global
I initially has a Ryzen 2700X, which a few months ago I replaced with an 5800X3D. In the process of doing this I bent the pins of the 2700X, so it’s not usable anymore.
Before doing this upgrade I installed the latest firware, which at the time was F63c
. I’m seeing there’s now a new version F63d
which is mainly Update AMD AGESA V2
. Might try that.
Though if there’s a way to catch this in the event logs, that would be nice to know.
Would anyone have some advice on that?