EVE Online ISBooxer PC built

This will be the first time that i build my own pc so far a friend did it for me and he did everything. Now i would like to do it myself.

Not really sure about anything most people tell me to go with intel but for me and does not look bad (like its cheaper).
Have no idea if the architecture of the chip would work with what i wanna achieve.

So on and so fwd.

Looking fwd hearing from you.


Hey Ciao, just to go over shortly the differences in AMD and intel so you can have a better idea for each one. now before i start this is just my opinion i do not have a favorite i have had 2 gaming pc's one had intel and one amd and both where great. With intel they are more expensive but is well worth the price. intel CPU's are faster at rendering or braking down information and are better in most games. so if you do a lot of development stuff such as video game development or 3d design intel will be faster at rendering files. Now for AMD they are great CPU's for there price and have no problem chewing up anything you through at it. now the only bad thing about AMD is that some game are more optimized for intel such as the fallout series. one of the advantages of AMD is that they overclock really well and are simple to overclock as well. now if you look at the benchmarks between AMD and intel AMD is just below intel so there isn't a huge difference in some cases. But at the end of the day its all about budget if you want top of the line and all around great performance and you have deep pockets then i would go with intel. and if you want the best bang for your buck AMD is the best choice. hope this helped sorry if it was kinda confusing if you need help with anything else let me know.