My friend is at my house and he plugged his computer into our modem using an Ethernet cable. His internet isn't working but the Ethernet cable is lightning up on the back of his Computer. Last time he brought his computer to my house his internet worked but that was when we had a router and he plugged his computer into that but my mother broke our router (long story) and when he plugs his computer into the modem the internet doesn't work. It doesn't even connect to the network.
- log in to your router and see if you see his device ~ eg in your browser head to> also see if everything is turned turned on - lan etc.
- open up command prompt - type>>> ipconfig/all here you'll see connections look under Ethernet adapter.
- try another physical port and be sure its the correct port
- check if another pc can connect using the same cable and/or port
- try another cable
- reset your mates network settings restart then try again
How do we reset his network settings? I could use a detailed explanation if you wouldn't mind (I have never done this before)
Nvm guys we figured it out.
what was the issue?
He had to enable something in the adapter settings.