Etherium bubble

My 480 wasn't undervolted, but it was underclocked. There was no performance impact, but power consumption dropped by about 25 Watts. The memory is overclocked of course.

Weird, that shouldn't happen:

Which is why, it proposed you should undervolt your GPU as well. Less power, less heat, same performance basically.

It seems like it has changed now, I did not mine at all during the crash and past week due to honeymooning and my power being shut off day 1 from a bad storm.

However now that I am back I have rebooted and my profits are almost half to 75% what they used to be. Has the difficulty gone up that much that fast? Or did ETH implement something new?

Feelsbadmkay Look at the 7 day high and low.

Personally, I'm gonna keep mining to power through. Profits are profits. This happened to BTC when it hit $800+ and it stayed sunk for like 4 years to around $200-$400 until it later jumped to $2,000+.

No way to know if Ethereum will do it, but I can tell you I deeply regret abandoning mining when BTC had that drop. Even if Eth isn't what does it, there will be other currencies and other rallies to enjoy.

The key is to be there before the large price increases happen. The only way to do that is to set a wide net, be patient and persistent, and keep mining.

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I'm in it for the long haul, these 20k doge aren't going to waste


I'd love to mine with my spare R9 390, but the MESA (Linux open source drivers for AMD cards) isn't detected properly by any of the mining software.

OpenCL on mesa is basically unusable. AMD has recently released their shiny new open source OpenCL implementation (search for ROCm), but it's neither mainlined, nor performing as well as the proprietary driver.

Not that the proprietary driver is any good :unamused:

Yer I saw openCL on linux is via the AMDGPU_PRO driver and I figured not to mess with my system.

You and me both. Been sitting on 23k Doge since the last mining craze and I was amazed to see that they're worth quadruple what I paid. Figure I'll sit on them awhile longer since they're only appreciating and I'm only about $15 invested.

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