so the NDA was lifted for ESO so now we are aloud to talk about it without getting in trouble!
so what did you guys think of the beta if you got to play it? i personally downloaded the 30GB file, got to play the tutorial thing and than the beta closed... but from what i played it seemed... okay
(sorry if this topic has already been made somewhere else, if it was you can delete/close this one)
I played the previous beta but couldn't get to play the recent one (I was stuck on the loading character screen) and it isn't bad, but then again isn't good. Some good points are the voice acting/actors are great and story isn't straying from the elder scrolls genre but there were lots of bugs and I am completely put off by the price of the game and then the subscription fee for playing a game you've already paid for. It's inevitable that they will have to turn to free to play and sell dlc for extra content instead.
It was boring. It brought forth no innovations and does not even feel like an TES game. It seems like you generic button-smasher MMORPG with the TES label.
This seems to be the consensus from a lot of gamers. I won't be pre-ordering or even playing for the first few months. Any game that rewards players based on how much money they spend is not really my type of game.
Haven't played it myself, my wife wanted to play it and after watching a few minutes of gameplay, I decided that it was not for me, I thought it was pretty boring gameplay.
It's so strange that ordinary source mods are still delivering a much better gameplay experience than top dollar hyped games these days. I really liked Insurgence for a coop shooter, I thought it offered pretty good gameplay, it's a pretty economical source mod turned standalone recently, costing only 15 bucks or so, but it puts new AAA titles to shame. Why would you want to play BF4 when you can play Insurgence? I don't really understand the big gaming studios anymore, they could do so much more. So many devs and artists in big studios are working on original games, and it's as if those games never see the light of day, as if the only thing that is allowed to come out for PC are ported console remakes of remakes or remakes. I think that there should be a rule that if a studio decides not to market a game, after six months or so, the artistic creators can reclaim all copyrights to graphical content and gameplay mechanics, and go elsewhere with it or bring it out themselves on an open source engine for instance.
i played it. i hated it ( except for the graphics ) . i deleted it and now im thinking about reinstalling skyrim for until they get a real TES game out.
it just felt like the mmo mechanics were breaking the game.
As a big TES fan, I've had zero interest in this game since it was announced. An MMO is an MMO regardless of what you call it and I don't see anything, aside the name, that separates this from any other fantasy MMO. When you factor in the price there's very little incentive to pick this over other MMO's unless you're just blinded by TES fandom. A Fallout MMO however...
In my time with it, I have the same complaint as most of us here, gameplay is too generic. Here's the thing, I maniacally played TERA for almost a year, knowing full well that it was just a World of Warcraft style game with much better graphics and overall combat. And it was fun, but the thing that hooked me was the combat. Sure the quests were all kill these and gather those, but the ACT of doing so was fun.
That is the problem with WoW-clones, we're so burnt out on that style of combat that the act of doing the repetitive quests is not fun.
I wish instead of ESO we got a Borderlands-esque Skyrim, a Skyrim where we could have fun with friends. A Skyrim where we could run the client with our mods with our friends and enjoy the large world together. Imagine, what if Logan could host a "Skyrim Co-Op" server and have fun with the community on his livestreams, while including all of the mods in his server client? Wouldn't that be awesome?
I completely agree with you. If ESO was a Borderlands-esque Skyrim like you said, it would be so much better than an Elder Scrolls MMO game. The modding aspect would still exist and you could play in lobbies rather than a signle server where everyone has to conform to the companies rules.