I hope this is the correct category, but since clonezilla is debian based i thought why not ask in the linux section.
anyway i use Window 8.1 and would do whenever i feel like a backup image of my partition. Now i had a problem with windows so i thought ill just go back to the last backup so i went in did a restore and then a error came up saying "check if the partition sda1 really exists, otherwise maybe the kernel is too old." and then it terminates the process. I google a few topics but sadly the sourceforge.net website has been down for 1 day now and i have all my class notes on that image.
I was hoping if somebody could help restoring that image. i tried these option that i found in the FAQ on the clonezilla website http://drbl.org/faq/fine-print.php?path=./2_System/23_Missing_OS.faq#23_Missing_OS.faq but these are for differnt problems.
On one board i read that i should have done backup with expert mode everytime so i can restore with expert mode, i hope this is not true because i watch a few youtube videos that people were able to restore windows 8.1 and windows 7 without any problems. I even created a image of the stage before i wanted to restore so it cant be that the kernel is too old because it was done with the same version.
it would be much apprechated if somebody could help me because i would like to take my notebook to school so i can study for exams in 3 weeks
ps. more information, im using a NFS Server to backup my images, now im trying to copy it directly to a external hard drive and see if that works. plus i the error showing up is "unable to find target partition sda1". im using the same hard drive. And im using a bootable usb as a livecd.
i was able to fix it, by going booting up a livecd of a ubuntu disk i had and going into gparted and creating these partitions and formatting them to what i needed them to be and then in clonezilla i just restored each partition individually. hope this helps somebody in the future, i know i could have done it with fdisk but im to much of a noob to do this.