Error Hunting Critical Process Died + Issues (Solved)

Windows 10 home
32Gb Trident-Z RAM 3200
Strix Z370-E
1080 Ti
970 EVO 1Tb
8Tb Red Drive

So here is my issue. Couple months back I started getting critical process died errors when using/playing COD MW, Overwatch & Adobe Premier.

#1 - Re-installed my OS on the 860 EVO 1Tb I had. (Same issues as above)
#2 - Swapped M.2 slots (Same issues as above)
#3 - Installed an OS on my 8Tb Red Drive (No Issues)
#4 - RMA the 860 EVO and install OS on new drive (Same issues as above)
#5 - Bought a 970 EVO since I was planning on upgrading my wife’s laptop with a bigger drive. Now on the 970 EVO Overwatch & Premeir seam to work but COD MW now hard resets the computer (no error just shuts off). Although the first time COD crashed it BSOD with a Critical Process Died.
Unfortunately, the hard rest now means there is no dump to look at and I was stupid and forgot to save it from the earlier OS’s

Still untested Issues:
Motherboard issues
RAM issues
CPU issues
PSU issues

It’s weird that the OS on my SATA Red drive seams to be working fine? What do you think?

Ended up being my RAM slots. I originally had sticks in B1 + A1 swapped to B2 + A2 and now it works perfectly. I can recreate the problem my swapping the sticks back to B1 + A1.

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