I have got a windows iso on a usb which also has a bunch of updates and sp1 installed onto it. We have finished the installing and it comes up with an error notice which we have by passed. First time starting up it says configuring updates and gets to 98% then says error reverting changes. I let it finish and now it comes up with windows start up reapir and wont start the pc!! If I reinstall it again how could i bypass the update bit or locate it in an iso editor so i can install 64bit to my new pc
Sounds like a faulty install. Anyways, what was the question?
Is there anyway to bypass the update problem or delete it from the iso. i have looked through nearly every folder but can't find anything bout sp1 or update where could I find that's to remove it and get my pc to work
Probably a bad streamline. Get a different ISO. I've used Win7 and Win7 SP1 ISO's and never had that issue, and never had that updating bit.