Alright so about 2 weeks I started having this issue. Some websites wont load correctly or wont load at all in chrome, and IE and the reason given is ERR_CONNECTION_RESET. I believe I have updated all drivers relevant, tried resetting the router and such, I've reset both the Winsock, and TCP/IP stack. To no avail. Also it doesn't matter if I use my network card, or Ethernet cable. I am able to access the websites on another computer just fine. 

What do I do next??

win xp or what?


Windows 7 professional, 64-bit

hmm......if trouubleshoot problems doesn't work i'd do the usual clearout *cclean cache/cookies*....and doublecheck that proxy is disabled and ping sites

or just boot a distro off usb to validate the issue

outside of netsh winsock reset in cmd prompt as admin i dunno


also, using firefox. doesn't work either. 

Odd one to troubleshoot as ERR_CONENECTION_RESET usually occurs when the error is unknown.

Might be an MTU issue. Used to have this issue a long time ago.

See if these help. (some more links on them)

Link 1

Link 2

If you use the "netsh winsock reset" (which needs to be run as admin) remember that it is REQUIRED to restart the machine for the changes to have effect.