ErP/EuP Issues NEED HELP! :/

Hey guys 1st time poster here in need of DESPERATE HELP.

Im having issues with USB power staying on when my pc is off, this is a rig i built a couple months back and have put up with it since but now its really bothering me after purchasing a few peripherals that id rather have turned off.

Im running an Asus M5a97 Evo R2.0 with a Corsair CX750M PSU.
ErP & EuP enabled.

All USB ports still being powered when the pc is off.
Blue snowball's LED on.
Headsets inline amp led on.
Corsair K95 RGB & M65 RGB will power the pc on when buttons pressed.

Ive researched for months and cannot figure this out, the CX750M is ErP ready.

Any ideas?

It's going to be a setting in the bios, have you read your mobo's manual yet?

EDIT: You might not be able to disable power output when the PC is turned off but I highly expect you'll be able to.

I'm not the most computer literate person in the world but I have read the manual and researched all possible settings in the bios and for the life of me cannot figure this out, the only thing I can bring it down to is I've got a dud psu and its leaking power even when erp is enabled, I've even got eup enabled and set to max power saving mode.

Hm, odd. It wouldn't be an issue with the power supply, it would be worth testing another PSU just in case.
I'm fairly certain it's got something to do with the power management on the mobo.
In some BIOSs there's a setting for what can turn the PC on, see if you can find that and make sure keyboard or whatever isn't selected.

From memory (I'm on my phone away atm), the only settings relating to turning on the PC are automatically disabled when ErP is enabled with my board.
I'll be sure to triple check when I can but I'm certain over checked that anything related was disabled.

Ah okay, well hopefully you find something, keep us posted! :)

Still a mystery...
The manual provided with my mobo doesnt exactly give details of each function so i had to research most of the settings and nothing needed to be changed. Ive also doubled checked my power settings in CP and made sure hybernate was disabled, my pc stays away unless I turn it off, only my monitor turns off via power management.

Im tired of having to mechanically switch off my psu everynight, please someone help me -.- lol

EDIT: half success, after disabling C1E in CPU Config my keyboard and mouse now turn off with the PC and do not power on the system when keys are pressed.
The led's on my snowball and headset however are still fully lit.
I also came accross a setting called Asmedia 3.0 battery charging support and it is disabled.

Easiest solution is going to be contact your motherboard manufacturer