I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this case (Enermax iVektor Black).
I'm getting it for Christmas from my parents as I am upgrading my graphics card to a MSI 4GB GTX 970 soon and my current case is to small.
I'm adding more fans than what is stock so the air flow will be better than it has stock but what I would like to know is what is the noise like when the case is closed and does it do a good job of muffling CPU & GPU fans?
the case appears to only have mesh if front of the fans so I imagine it won't do much for quieting your system,
I'm adding two Akasa Viper S-Flow fans to the front panel so it has positive air pressure inside the case. I have mesh in the front of my current case anyway and there is only mesh on the half hexagon part I think. I mainly want it to dampen the GPU fans because they are the loudest part in the case now.
It will probably be quieter than the case I have currently as the case I have now has mesh next to the GPU & CPU and this case has no side vents.