Encryption box

Is there hardware that I can buy or build to use as a pass through for Ethernet that will encrypt everything going out and decrepit it coming in? like an encryption box or something. Also what is the best encryption method at the moment? I am currently using a VPN but i want something i can put between my router and modem that will Encrypt it all so i don't have to keep buying a VPN service for all me devices.

Well the way a VPN works is by taking all out going traffic and encrypting it, until it reaches the VPN host. Where it is decrypted and sent on its way.

You could just set up the VPN details on the router itself, by which all devices connecting to the gateway through it shall be automatically encrypted and sent to the VPN. If your router does not support this, pfsense can do it easily.

What you are proposing will not work, as it would require that any site you wish to connect to has a similar device to decrypt the traffic upon arrival.

The issue is when it reaches the other end will the second person( website etc.) be able to decrypt it. A VPN between Company Site A and Company Site B will have actual hardware VPN sitting in the racket. The original point of a VPN it to connect a computer or two networks that can not be connect physically by sending the data across a encrypted tunnel. The issue is many people are trying to use VPN as an Anonymizer which requires you to pay for a service.

Okay. I will look into pfsense then.

To my knowledge something like that is not possible. Your options are a little limited, in terms of web browsing say - you can 1) use a VPN / Proxy / TOR 2) Use HTTPS Everywhere to make sure HTTPS gets used when possible so encryption is used between you and the website you're using

Okay. I just wanted a simple way to do everything and have it running vs having to log on a VPN every time on every P.C. Its no big deal.

As mentioned, run the VPN off the router, its very easy. Actually I think that's literally what your describing in your post. Unless your needing specific encryption for some special purpose?

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I'm not sure about simple, but a way to have it running without configuring all your devices individually to use a VPN would be to use a more advanced OS on your router such as PfSense or DD-WRT. This way you can have the ability to set up your VPN and then have everything be encryped in / out of your network, this option bypasses the device and puts it on the router saving you setting it up for each device

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I have a Belkin F9k1105v2 I don't know if that supports running the VPN off of it. I don't even know if i can flash it to DD-WRT or PfSense.

What is TOR 2? I know all about project TOR but I have never heard of TOR 2/

Thanks for the HTTPS Everywhere suggestion i will be using that from now on.

You're welcome :)

There is only TOR, the 2) was for seperating my points. Sorry kinda made it look unclear I see now

^^^This. What you are talking about already exists, it's called a hardware VPN endpoint IIRC. People make them using Raspberry Pis, spare netbooks, or you can buy "real" ones. It's a fantastic idea, the issue is that you have to have one on each end because...that's how it works XD You're pretty much doing the same thing with a software VPN, it's just handling your end of things before it leaves your PC.

(sarcasm) Really?(/sarcasm) I was explaining the use cases for a VPN. He appeared to want an Anonymizer not a VPN. Did i say it didn't exist? I will admit it wasn't as clear as i would have liked but still.

I know there is no such thing is being completely anonymous on the internet. I was just looking at a easier way to encrypt my data.

Sorry I meant to just quote your comment, didn't mean to reply like I was calling you wrong. I was agreeing with your comment

Don't worry about it. I took it the wrong way. The last few days I had to justify everything i worked on which makes me treat just about everything the same way.