Embarrassing moments in Gaming

The CD Mall - Quake 3 map


I went to a party with my group LANmisfits. This one guy was a carpenter and when he built his house he setup his basement wired for LAN parties with tables. The whole house was networked and remote controlled. “Hey guys, Do you wanna see the Quake map I made?” Sure. Sounds cool. Load it up. So I go to an unused server, start Quake and load the Mall map.

“HUhh?” “What the hell happened?” “The Unreal Tournament server just died.”
“IT WAS HIM !!! He killed the match!” And the throwing of objects and insults commenced.

I didn’t notice that a dedicated UT server was running in the tray before I started Quake.
Ya know, it’s still a good map. I played it a few months ago.


First time playing PUBG, I do donuts in a car around a teammate and run her over. Then drive away.


Overwatch, playing Tracer on Illios Well: every time, blink or rewind into the well. EVERY TIME. No exceptions. It’s not a real game otherwise.


Overwatch when deathmatching, you kill the other player, but wasn’t watching which way you went so you backpedal off the map


The only thing that comes to mind is friendly fire. I q+tab+enter instantly out of shame.

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My first game in PUBG.

Dive out the plane in a spot where no one else did. Take my time looting, encountering nobody the entire time. Have decent loot. Make my way to the center. Finally encounter people fighting each other. 2 people are shooting each other, and I try to take them by surprise and pick them off one by one. Only one problem…

I don’t know how to aim down my sights in first person… I was then sniped and pinned behind a tree. With 10 percent health, I try to find out how to use a health pack. Don’t know the key for that either. Then they mercifully ended my life, and I finished in 10th.

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