I’ve had my own domain for about 20 years, and it’s moved between different mail providers over the years.
A couple of years ago I moved to mailbox.org, and I have been happy until the last 3 months or so. In terms of false-positives it’s always been perfect, and pretty much every spam message has been picked up by their filters. Lately, I’ve been receiving a lot of really obvious spam messages in my inbox - clearly the spammers know how to fool the filters, because no human would be fooled with how obviously spammy the messages are.
Finally tired of it (as well as hating mailbox’s “top up” approach to billing and janky 2FA support), I set up a Google Workspace Business Starter account as a trial.
Google’s spam filtering is just as bad as mailbox.org!
In fact, it’s worse, because legitimate newsletters from well-established online stores were being blocked from day-one, meanwhile junk like this goes right through:
Right there in their GUI, they’ve deemed this spam message important according to their “Google magic”.
I was hoping that with the scale of Google, there are enough eyes on these kind of messages that even if it’s a really good spam message with patterns similar to legitimate mailing list messages, that the spam is going to be reported by enough people.
Is there anyone else I can try? Fastmail? Microsoft 365?
I’m still in the trial period for Google Workspace, and I’m not sure I’m going to continue since I have a load of credit with mailbox.org remaining.
The only criteria is it must support using my own domain, with either multiple mailboxes or simply 20 or so aliases, reliable IMAP, 2FA and/or passkey support (with support for multiple keys), and of course, a working spam filter. I don’t need any of the other benefits of Google Workspace like Drive, Docs or even a calendar. It’s purely about reliable email.