Hey guys, this is the computer I designed and am wanting to buy but I was hoping everyone could give me their thoughts and opinions before I go out and buy it :P I'm still not sure about the 250GB SSD, might change it for a 120 or a different brand so it's cheaper, I dunno :/ Also should I save up a bit more and get the R9 280 or will the 270 be good enough to play games at 1080p on high/ultra? I know the CPU cooler seems a bit like overkill but I'm planning on overclocking it and hopefully in the future upgrade to an 8350 or something so I just thought mweh, get it...:P
Stick with the 250 GB SSD since a 120 can quickly be filled up with games, and any major game starts up so much faster from an SSD.
I would get some decent inexpensive air cooler for the CPU instead, like a CM Hyper 212 Evo or better. Water is so much a fashion thing. If you save a little bit of money on the cooler then maybe you can fit an eight core CPU into the budget right away. Six cores is an odd number and some games/software might not be able to put more than four cores to use.
R9 270 is a good option for now. Just get over any obsession of having to run all games at their "ultra" settings. Then upgrade the card in 12 to 18 months as the budget allows. The R9 280X's perform well but still aren't using chips with the latest tech. I would hesitate to put that amount of cash into such a product today.
I know you said that you wanted too overclock but you didn't tell us exactly what you were going too with this build gaming,editing,streaming etc. this would help out alot if I knew
I've heard people say they have an 8350 overclocked to a good 4.5GHz on this mobo...:/ I'd looked at this mobo on the 990fx chipset, would you say it's better?
I could do that and thought about it but I've heard so much about AMD overheating, 2 of my friends have had both CPU's and GPU's overheat so I wanted to make sure I got good cooling for the CPU. Also I was wanting to overclock the CPU and surely I would get more performance out of a heavily overclocked hex core over a slightly overclocked octo core plus the heat would be moved out of the case?
This isn't me arguing, I'm just genuinely wanting to know from someone that does know
I get a very playable experience on all games on high or ultra, usually custom inbetween the two, with the 270x, I dont really think an H100i is all that necessary for the FX-6300, I would go for something like an NH-U12s or something but up to you whether the money is better spent somewhere else like on the case or GPU
r9 270 is enough. i don't recommend the r9 270x since it's the same as a r9 270 but it costs more. i play tombraider at everything max except the aa. i use fxaa and i get 40-70 fps, mostly 55. bf4. you can play basicly every game you want at high or ultra without aa or you may turn shadow on low or lighting on low.
the only difference is the clock speed and some have an extra 6 pin or only a 8pin which is useless. my r9 270 runs at 1200mhz which is higher than some oc r9 270x.
I like Linus' video on the 270 "I don't know why it exists, it's a 270x clocked slower that is very overclockable" :L In their benchmarks the overclocked 270 and 270x scored almost identically :L :P XD That's why I'm only looking at the non-x variants ;) Course there's no guarantee with overclocking so it's safer to go with something already clocked higher but I'm fine with a gamble and saving £30...:P :D