Elite: Dangerous Roll Call

Ikagara in game here. Just wanted to create a threat so allow members to find out who else plays and to share their commander names. @DeusQain also has an IRC channel set up on EFNet #EliteDangerous

Still planning to buy this. Need to snag a joystick first though.

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For anyone wanting to join that IRC channel:

I don't think its needed getting started. People do fine with keyboard/mouse you can just get a flight stick later.
I'm not sure if I want to keep using my spacenav or grab a hotas.

Im playing with keyboard and mouse justnow, no problem. Will change that soon as well.

I've been playing for a couple of weeks, my commander name is Dexter Kane.

I'm not sure what my commander name is, I played maybe 10 minutes with a wireless Xbox 360 controller then my brain was all like "Man this would be much better with one of them controller chatpads dealys (+35 buttons you can bind)".

So I ordered one of them chatpad dealys and didn't play again till i got it. When I got it it was really sweet but the software that's available to get the chatpad to work is pretty inelegant and causes input messages to hang... so I am in the process of writing a more elegant bit of software to handle the controller and chatpad input.

What I am trying to say is: I will eventually get around to being able to play this game, and once I am able to play this game, I will post my commanders name in this thread. The end. nods

CMDR Masterchops here.

E:D Name = MattPeww

Ship: Vulture - Value= 20Mil
Bounties Claimed: 1.5k
Insurance Claims: 20 (Mostly from when I started)
Shield = A5
Power = A4
Laser = C3 + C3 Canon
Military Composite
x3 Shield Boosters
x3 Hull Reinforcement Packages
Scanner + Interfector