Elite Dangerous General

A general thread for discussing Elite: Dangerous & Elite Dangerous: Horizons.

Didn't want to pollute the crew thread with off topic nonsense.

To get started: anyone here tried exploring? I set out on a bit of a longer journey with a Cobra outfitted for exploration, just to see how much it'll make and if I'll see something interesting.

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I travelled out to one of the nearby nebulas once, saw Rigel (the star) which was pretty cool. The only problem with exploring is if you get bored it's a long way back to where the action is.

I might give it another go now that horizons is out.

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Looks like I'm closer to my destination than I thought, will post pics soon.

Also the music in this game is amazing.

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Running man nebula viewed from Orion nebula


Horsehead nebula, remarkably bright


I haven't had a chance to play over new years and christmas, will have to jump back in the cockpit soon!

Just returned from my trip through the Pleiades, Orion Nebula, Horsehead Nebula and finally Witch Head Nebula. The reward for selling the info was 1.2 million credits, which seems low considering the tedious effort. Didn't really find much points of interest though, and didn't really do scans on individual objects, only general system scans. Maybe traveling into unexplored systems would be more profitable as well.

Next time I'll choose a random direction instead of a "tourist trap" nebula.

If you head about 200ly above or bellow the inhabited bubble before heading in the direction you want to go you'll find tons of unexplored systems. Getting the detailed surface scanner and scanning planets, especially water worlds, earth like worlds and worlds with ammonia based life you'll get much more money, but it's still not a lot of money compared to the time spent.


Started a longer journey to a completely uninteresting direction. Also fitted 3 shield boosters. Where's your god now, pirates?

edit: observed some sort of a burst while fuel scooping

Also, first earth-like world found


just recently picked up that game on the steam sale

Same here, just recently started playing. So far progressed to Vulture after trying trading and exploring. Pwning NPCs at the conflict zones seems fairly profitable, there's an endless supply and you rarely get targeted.

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I wish you could just buy a pack of the same skin for multiple ships instead of a pack of multiple skins for one ship. But that would reduce profits.

I have Elite and I have a nice hotas setup but I haven't played much because I'm a piece of shit


Basic or advanced discovery scanner?

Advanced. Just did some Robigo smuggling missions and can definitely say that exploring isn't worth it financially.

For me the best money is in bounty hunting, I've had times where I was able to make 10mil per hour doing that although the conditions for that are pretty rare.

There's probably more money in trade but not as much fun :)

I've put 50 hours into the game, and I've only got a Type-6 Transporter. Granted, it's worth 3 and a bit million, but I still haven't saved up enough for anything better.

Did the smuggling mission with a stealth outfitted Cobra mk3, with all non-essentials off (and even life support occasionally), ran extremely cool and was so fast that it didn't matter if I got interdicted, I could just boost away. I did have to fuel scoop every 4 jumps or so though.


AMD users can play again with the latest drivers. 16.1 hotfix fixes the super-cruise frame rate issue. yay.


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Still no Linux support. :(