Okay so I have been watching InfinitelyGalactic recently, Love his videos, and I just watched Elementary OS, and it looks beautiful, Now this is on Ubuntu, but is there any of the downsides of Ubuntu on here?
I know its not bleeding edge and super up to date, but I just love how it looks.
I've used it fairly extensively in the past. Fantastic UI, however I believe it's using an older kernel version so I decided to switch to Fedora. I'm sure you can update the kernel but it's not supported.
You might get it to work on Arch with Github or the Repo, never worked for me but I didn't investigate much to be honest. Careful here that the AUR packages might not be the newest, verify with the Github I remember reading somewhere that it's better but can't remember where
On the other hand, if you want to keep the ubuntu base, and you want to update for a reason you can probably update the kernel and other software from 3rd party repos or even manually but expect doing a lot of work
They are doing some cool stuff. It seems that someday elementary OS will become independent. A lot of the preloaded software is coded by them (e.g. the DE), and about two or so weeks ago they announced that they are going to fork Shotwell into Pantheon Photos. It is a distro that is targeted towards beginners, and IMHO I think it will stay that way.
Okay I am going to install it, but I am going to push the kernel to 3.13 and change repos to unstable, may aswell make it more bleeding edge, I hear its rather stable.
I hope they do fork off on their own, but not deb, possibly arch ;) be one sexy distro if so
yeah I am going that way now, I thought their distro would be better than deb on unstable 3.13, but it cannot even update to 3.13 without having remount errors, so yeah, Maybe manjaro with the DE :) least I know Manjaro can handle 3.13 :)
I just installed Pantheon on Arch, the repository has all things you need, and updated but when running it I noticed they have no systemtray and the settings is really empty, even after i added the plugs i only found keyboard and power settings, I couldn't find the tweak tool either so I'm back to my GNOME for now
so not really worth it, ah well, also I found that on elementary OS its a bit laggy which is a shame, adding to that it does not like to update to 3.13 which I have on manjaro, so yeah.
I like Elementary a lot. I've installed it on a few different laptops for people and played around with it myself. If you do install it you can update the kernel to 3.9.x and there is a PPA available to add a bunch of different tweaks and themes. Check out www.elementaryupdate.com. It does look like the website is down right now. Hopefully it will be back up and running soon.
Its really pretty, but I think it needs to support uefi before it starts getting to popular. I'm stuck with Ubuntu 12.04LTS until other distros support uefi.