Elder Scrolls Online or DayZ?

Okay so I want to purchase a new game and I am looking on what game to get, I have come down to these two games, but I cant decide which is better to purchase.
I have no experience with them at all, so I don't know what to expect from each game, Although I do know what they are (MMO and Survival) so in your opinions which should I get?

DayZ is currently £16.99 over in UK and ESO is £25 with 1 month trial, so which would you suggest?


ESO has recurring costs. So all-in-all dayZ is much cheaper.

Didn't think much of DayZ, personally. However, it is fun to play with friends. Trust me, you will need someone to talk to or you will get bored quickly! They've probably added more content since my last experience, but I've heard that it has all manner of hackers now.

Yet to try ESO.

Forget ESO. The game is a piece of crap. There are f2p mmos better than ESO.

DayZ standalone has its own problems with bugs and slow content roll out, but at least the game has substance. The same cannot be said for the mindless grinding on ESO.

Also DayZ is 15% off right now on Steam i think.

ESO is horrible, if you're into MMOs I would recommend waiting for Archeage, trying out the Wildstar beta, or just playing WoW.

As for DayZ, if you have friends it can be fun otherwise it's a running simulator lol.

Also there are always free games like Hearthstone, League of Legends and Smite.

Heh, hearthstone. Yea i got hooked on that recently. Never thought I'd ever log back in to my battlenet account

ESO was a great concept, but I wasted $100 on the collectors edition and the cancelled my subscription after the first month.

DayZ is ok but everybody just kills on sight. And I mean EVERYBODY! It's like playing a deathmatch.

I got hooked on it for a while too and almost made it to legend a few times from just doing the daily quests. But then I got back into WoW.