Hey, I think I know the answer to this problem but just looking checking to see if I'm right before buying parts.
Basically I have an old desktop and when you power it up it beeps eight times during the POST section of the boot and then continues to boot normally but with no image on screen. I'm guessing its the GPU that has gone the way of the Dodo. Unfortunately there is no on board VGA output on the mobo to see if this is the problem and I don't have a spare PCI Express 2.0 card to plug in.
Could it be anything else before I order a new GPU?
Thanks in advance
8 Short Beeps
Your video card isn't working. Make
sure it is
seated well in the bus. If it still beeps, either the whole card is bad
or the memory on it is. Best bet is to install another video
From memory 8 beeps is probably card failure although on my Asus board one long and two short also indicate video card failure.
Just double check that your motherboards beep codes are listed correctly and make sure to compare to that list as some manufacturers have different beep codes.
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Cool that's what I suspected will give the MSI website a check but everything is pointing to the GPU
Thanks for the help
No worries, let us know the outcome.
That your or PCI express slot is bad. Try moving it to another slot if you can
Or if you have a second computer try it in that one. Before you go out and buy another card
Got the new card today and all is well again. Thanks for the help guys.