The transcript for the interview can be read at the link.
It was an interesting read because most people when talking about Snowden talk about him in relation to what he revealed. However, he is an expert when it comes to cyber security. What did you guys think of the interview?
i'll wait for it to air, thanks tho
i cant believe the video isn't available
It would be remiss of any major nation with advanced cyber capabilities not to test the strength of their systems through these means.
Its not necessarily cyber 'warfare' until it leaks in the press and the states then have to show appropriate outrage for their average constituent. But these tests are routine and essential. US will test China or Russia or whoever and they will do the same to us.
As a matter of critical national security, we need to build the best possible defense across all theaters, whether that be land, sea, air, or the internet. You play war games or run mutual exercises or exchange officers in joint education programs with this end always in mind. Countries would like reach a goal of optimal security through mutual handshakes but that, of course, does not always happen. People being people, such a belief is grossly naive and extremely dangerous to hold. it wouldn't even make a believable Disney flick.
These strategies are ancient as human nature is timeless. It just happens that today we are using the internet.