ECC capable/verified motherboards for Ryzen 7000

so the asrockrack boards can’t do ECC either?

I also have this motherboard and have ECC UDIMMs working. I have this RAM running at 6000mhz and CL34, although I might try to get the timings down to CL32-40-40. I am running Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS also.

When researching this, ASUS claims all B650 and X670 boards will support ECC UDIMMS as long as you have a 7000X series processor. No APUs.


I am wondering what the state of it is.

ASRock says that this board supports ddr5 ECC in its specs

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Ooooh… Considering that is a pretty budget-friendly board made for content creators, that is interesting news indeed. :slight_smile:

Didn’t someone have a big excel sheet of all consumer model boards for AM5? Did that list ECC support? I don’t remember and lost the link…

It doesn’t but most Asus boards do support ECC looking at the support section for each board.
This is probably what you’re looking for: