Hey everyone, this isn't necissarilly intended for the crew, it's just that I couldn't really find any other place to put it.
I was just looking for some decent earphones for gaming/metal. I primarily listen to bands like Protest the Hero.
I recently saw Linus' video on the Razer Hammerheads, but he said that the mids and highs were lacking, and I think it'd be a problem for Protest the Hero. (But I guess anything is an upgrade from the current ones I'm using.. I've got 3-year-old iPod shuffle earphones.)
My budget is around $50. Considering my processor is only $70, I wouldn't want to go over that. (Note: I'm looking for in-ear headphones. I despise getting the cup imprint on my head after gaming for an hour.)
Thanks, Colon + Closed Parentheses.