Earning money with programming in Python


I go to school and would like to earn some money. I am quite a good Python programmer. Do you know ways to earn money programming Python online?

You could teach people python or custom write programs for people like a web designer


Yeah I'm looking for something like that. Nur I live in a small Swiss town and I don't know where to find an actual offer...

Hey @Florian ! There are many things you can do, but the majority will come from people seeing some of your work. I liken the current programming scene like the early 2k's Graphic Design/Manipulation scene with people having portfolio's of their work. You need to build up some works you've done and have people look through and possibly offer you work based on what you specialize in. Network programmong, Deep Learning, BioInformatics, Predictive Analytics, Forensic Python, Machine learning, Tensor Flow, Data / Database Analysis, 'Data Wrangling', and many other works are available for you. So my question is, What do you specialize in? What are you looking to get into.


Perhaps I exaggerated when saying I'm a quote good Python programmer. I mainly have written some simple algorithms and apps with Kivy. Sorry for the misinformation.

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I don't think you did actually, Instead you should use what you currently know and expand on it. Look into these fields and use what you know ! I actually post a bunch of beginner and intermediate stuff here but I'm no pro by any sense of the word either.

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Thanks for the kind words! I'll definitely look into the stuff you post here.
I would really like to get into the whole machine learning, deep learning etc. stuff, Bit I don't know where to start...

You might find some luck here, not sure if this was the scale of work you were looking for but:


though there is a lot of competition from Asia/eastern Europe with coders willing to work for what would be an unlivable wage here, but if you're just looking for experience and some beer money you might find something to your liking.

it's difficult to bid for contracts and without a rating it's difficult to break into the market, but if you've got time to waste it might be worth a look.

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Machine Learning in Python (2015) is a book I own in pdf format and haven't even opened because I have been so busy of late. Also, check out this guy on Youtube. He get all over the place some times but has good work...


Great recommendation.
SentDex's channel is informative while not being dull.