Earbuds under $40?

Need buds for my GF..she does not like using my M-50 on the go because of size, and they also are too big for her head. While studying they tend to tilt and fall off..


Need buds that wont make her deffff!!!..like those cheep sony and panasonic crap without denting my wallet..

My limit is $40 no more for some desent sound


NO IN EAR RUBBER Buds!! please


my freind has a pair of these probably the best non rubber ones I have seen

Oh god no... Skullcandies are horrid. http://www.amazon.com/Sennhesier-Adidas-Sports-In-Ear-Headphones/dp/B0094R4PBU/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1373342132&sr=8-12&keywords=Sennheiser+Earbuds Sennheisers :P

these aswell. http://en-us.sennheiser.com/earphones-headphones-stereo-mx-365

You can sometimes find Klipsch S4s for around $42, but right now they are at $60 on amazon.

I really liked the sound of these Sony earbuds I got, lasted a pretty long tiem too: http://www.amazon.com/Sony-DREX61IP-Premium-Monitor-Earbuds/dp/B005M7AVLO/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1373352989&sr=8-6&keywords=Sony+earbuds 


Thanks for suggestion..i think ima go with the sennheiser mx 365. Got them for $20 bucks on amazon! Hope they satisfy =)

I have used these for the last 6 months. and to be honest i like them better than any other head set i have ever owned. 


I hope you like them aswell.