E-Learning Web Sites

Dear all (But mostly Wendell)


What is the best website to learn computer programming?  I am interested in object oriented languages and dynamic web deign. So far I like cplusplus.com and have used codecademy and khanacademy, but they have limits.

I see lots of other paid services, i.e. treehouse, codeschool, lynda, and wondered if you have experience with all or any

Thanks in advance


Youtube has a host of teach yourself programming videos. Open source code is a good place to look too. Download it and play around with it.


I prefer the 'open university' style courses cousera do to just going through a bunch of tutorials online. I find the fact that they give you assignments that have actual due dates motivates me a bit more. 

I am a computer science student soon to be software engineer. I find Lynda.com to be an INCREDIBLE resource. I get more out of a video series on Lynda than I often do in a classroom. You can become an excellent coder via youtube / lynda / codeacademy .

For those that aren't able to access facilities (eg rural Australia), a combination of quality Youtube video tutorials, and technical reference books is a good way to learn the 'idiosyncrasies' of programming / IT. I know this system works for me, but everyone differs in how they learn, and their methodology in learning.


this method is not free, but it is worth mentioning that udemy is having a black friday week sale event at the moment. A lot of courses are on sale, and its a universal sale price of 11 dollars, but will increase by a dollar each day until the sale is over. Worth checking out though, 11 bucks can get you many hours of well structured content.(not always well done, check the reviews on the courses, some are dumpy but others are good)