There were some teething problems on launch but I think it's playable now
I had to edit some settings to get the framerate 30+ at all times but I succeeded without having to lower the visual appearance by anything noticable.
Tweaks to improve frame rate
Set view distance to nothing.. doesnt add pop in, its just a LOD thing
Remove film grain
Do that and you are golden, very smooth for 30fps with no noticable lag.
Sli still seems broken, even with an update and crossfire is definately broken (turned off the second card on the catalyst software as it wasnt doing anything).
Hoping they address this.
I would like for an nvidia owner to report back on their impression of the nvidia exclusive features (hbao+ and nvidia dof), would like to know what they think of them.
Kind of sucks that they have disabled modding... dont think they have learned a lesson from fallout 3, skyrim etc which are still being added to and enjoyed today.
As far as I have read the game works good to.okay on nvidia and just does not run on AMD. People with oc 8350s and 290Xs are just pissed off that it does not get over 20fps.
I hope they fix it but in all honesty I am not going to play it unless I get it for less than €5. Dead island 1 and 2 were fun but that engine is just not good quality.
Anyway, the game is bottlenecked even by overclocked i5's. Any powerful GPU will not run at full load, since there are no CPUs powerful enough for this thing. Open anything that shows you GPU load and note how it changes between looking at the sky/ground and looking at the city.
You can squeeze some extra 10 FPS by opening %USERPROFILE%\Documents\DyingLight\out\settings\video.scr and changing VisRange line to VisRange(1.00, 1.00) and then setting this file to read only.
With this and a couple of other things I managed to squeeze 45 FPS minimum out of FX-8320@4GHz.
pretty sure it was around 60 with the sun lighting switched off.. but it made all the water look URGGGGH.
I only really want to alter settings that don't effect the visuals too much (which is why the sun shadows / grain / lod were easy choices).
There is some affinity nonsense people have posted (e.g set cpu affinity off for 0,1 and then switch it back on, i am assuming this stops the game from dumping the render work on normal windows worker cores that are also handling disk i/0 ad other stuff).
I am a sucker for anything zombie related, I seem to get more fun out of it than most objective people.
One thing I find odd is that this title was SUPPOSED to be getting the mantle treatment according to a load of tech websites.. having trouble finding an official response to that.
It's doubtful as it's an nvidia title but I can dream :D
One thing is for certain is that console ports are definitely going to need bare metal api's on the pc port versions.
Don't know if this changes anything, i typically use a ram cache for gaming (decreases load times and helps with in game texture streaming).
Will try it switched off and see if that alters things.
You'll get 30 FPS with minimum view distance in game's settings, around 45 if you tweak configs a bit. Your GPU will idle when you look at the city because of the CPU bottleneck (don't worry, i5/i7 bottleneck the game too).
Game is just busted and they need to fix it. I'm running 5960x @ 4.7ghz, 32GB, Revodrive 350, and x2 970s OC, and im getting like 50fps, what fucking nonsense, come on people fix this game!
The game seems to only want to use one thread from my 4790k, which blows my mind. SLI didn't work day one, but one of my 780s seems to run close to 60 with everything maxed save for view distance anyways. Despite hovering at 50-60, the game just feels... choppy. I can sit here and watch one core spike to nearly 100% usage and stay there despite the fact that I'm at 4.8 right now. I've yet to disable film grain, though I will tonight because it's fucking horrendously ugly.
Also, Nvidia DoF isn't worth it, and HBAO+ hardly makes a difference.
Game is surprisingly well done, though. I despised dead island, and I honestly got tired of zombies after the 90s, but this is really fun.
This isn't an issue with poor optimization there has to be some royal fuck up here. It literally only uses one core and it completely overloads it.
Got a copy and tried playing. On my old rig with an 8350 @ 5.0 Ghz and two R9 290s it was like 40 with the view distance on the lowest setting. On my wife's rig with a 4690k at 4.4 and the same two GPUs it was like 45. On my new rig with a 5930k @ 4.1 with again two R9 290s (both OCed) it was around 42.
This is pathetic. The game isn't even particularly good or fun (for me at least) anyway. I think I'm just gonna uninstall it. See if I can get my money back. It isn't worth this.
the setting affinity trick works, (e.g turning of 0,1 and re-enabling them) frame rate does go up a fair bit.
at least it does for me.
currently looking for a vbs or bat file that I can macro to do that, cant be asked switching to task manager and doing that every time I want to play the bugger.
although current games do use multi threading it is quite common to still have one core devoted to 'rendering'... I believe its a direct x limitation... at least that is what I was told... it could be complete bollocks.
First impressions - Gameplay, absolutely superb. Feels like the best bits of Assassins Creed, Left 4 Dead, Dead Island and Dead Rising all combined into one.
Graphics - Think I'm going to be stuck waiting for the patch on this one. Framerate jumps all over the place for no discernable reason. Game initially ran fine at Best Graphics setting then once it opened up a bit, sticking it on Best Performance and tweaking down a few settings sorted stuff out without that much of drop in fidelity. Played a bit then put the graphics back up to Balanced and the game started running better. Be nice when I can turn the Film Grain and view distance down in the video.scr but can't get it to open.