Please read and advise on the below - just focus on the final question please. I want to be able to use dxtory to output as a directshow device to OBS and have the GAME run at more than 30 FPS. Not the recorded video which is fine at 30 FPS (for youtube), but the game while recording - that is what I want at more than 30 FPS. Keep in mind that this is all about running OLD(ER) games on a modern PC. Your assistance is much appreciated.
So, just bought dxtory and the plan was to use it ONLY as a directshow output device for recording older games via OBS. Won't explain all the details, but this was the intent.
I regret my purchase 100%. Here's why:
1) I want to record Daikatana. Old FPS game based on the Quake 2 engine. I can run this game perfectly (FX8350 + GTX560).
2) Here's what DXTORY is showing: when not "recording"/outputting in directshow it limits the game to 60fps.
3) At any resolution starting with 1280, when recording/outputting as directshow it drops the FPS to 30. No matter what settings I use in dxtory itself in ANY of the FPS options/selectors it always goes to 30 FPS.
4) Only way I can get it to record/output video at 60 FPS is by playing Daikatana in 1024*768.
5) When I turn on OBS to record dxtory's output the FPS dips below 30.Again, irregardless of what settings I use for FPS in Dxtory OR OBS.
I find all of the above ridiculous when talking about Daikatana running on my pc.
Reason for using dxtory: OBS doesn't recognize all older games and I have to record the monitor instead of just the game and as such I cannot record the video in fullscreen/strectched 720p. Meaning that OBS won't stretch the game to be fullscreen 16:9. just a 4:3 image in the middle of the 16:9 window. Hope that made sense.
Workaround. I used a simple program named Borderless Gaming which fools games to run in a borderless "fullscreen" window meaning I can use OBS on Daikatana to record just the game and have it be in fullscreen 16:9 720p. No performance hit on the game.
I spent money on DXtory. OBS and Borderless Gaming are both FREAKIN' FREE. Sure, this combo doesn't work on all older games, but still.
Running the game in fullscreen in recording the whole monitor with OBS is a much more reasonable choice than throwing money out of the window on DXtory.
My question. Is there any damn way to get DXtory to NOT run older games at a limit of 30 FPS when used in conjunction with OBS?