DVI Signal not found

In the middle of gameplay the screen goes black and says DVI Signal not found . Only way to get the display back is by restarting my pc. Could this be related to my power supply not having enough power for the two gpu's? I don't know i really am tired of dealing with this.

What GPU'S do you have? Does it show up in Windows Event Viewer? It could be from not enough power, but we can't be sure before we know your specs. Could you tell us your entire build including storage and USB devices?

i7 4790k
2 gtx 970 sli
samsung pro ssd
wd blue
wd black
psu: seasonic x series 550
motherboard: asus vii hero

That PSU should be able to handle that. I've never heard anything good about SeaSonic PSU's.

i have heard nothing but good things about seasonic psu's but i do think i should have got a higher wattage