Hey guys,
looks like I'm having some troubles with my trusty ole LG Flatron Wide L226WTQ - BF
Power delivery seems fine and when it boots up, I have the "Digital" sign up the top right as if it were normally on - however, there is nothing but a black screen!
It appears it's on, just nothing is coming onto the screen (I can see the "black" of the screen is actually as if it powered on while in sleeping mode or what not).
Tried other cables, different ports, different PCs and even tried the VGA port.
My secondary monitor still works which is a Viewsonic Generic 1280x1024 19" VGA monitor haha
Any help would be great guys!
You already did everything that anyone could suggest. I think it's time to know when to quit.
Fair enough, thought I may as well run it by you guys before I run out and buy a new monitor in case I missed something :)
Yeah if only Fonzy were a real person.
*Elbows the monitor
Ayyyy! Dat uh be twunny bux mista C!
Good luck with your monitor situation.
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have you tried disconnecting the power, holding the power button down for about 10-15 seconds then pluging the power back in
Was a long shot, gave it a shot and no luck haha cheers anyway man
In the words of Kendrick Lamar "He dead!"
i have 3 23inch lg flatron's and only one has done that to me
turns on.. all black
power light comes on. will start flashing.
hdmi, dvi no video.
when i disassembled it the only thing i could find
is the display input controller board failed
all the caps was intacted but before it died, i had a few times
the screen would cut to black then display the image again
after a few secends.
sadly all i can do now is remove the LED panel in the back and make a overhead light
as the panels display ribbon is damaged. as well as the display input controller board
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Cheers for the input, it sucks when the primary monitor dies!
I might just put some money aside for a new one haha