Hey guys,
i want to thank you for helping me out with building my new pc.
Its finished now and i freakin love it.
My current setup is:
CPU: FX-8530
Cooling for it: Enermax liqtech 120X
Motherboard: ASUS M5A97 EVO R2.0
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7870
PSU: Corsair CX 600 M.
Case: LC Power Gaming 930 W (http://www.lc-power.de/index.php?id=483)
(Thats the important parts)
But i recognized, that after one week of usage there is a bit of dust in it because of the stock frontfans.
I may buy some dust filters for the two front fans.
Is this a good idea or will it make the whole thing hotter?
I got three other questions too:
1. At wich max temperature should i run it?
2. The northbridge gets a bit hot because of the missing airflow of from the CPU coller. it gets under prime95 at about 65-70°C (measured with infrared thermometer). Is this cool enaugh?
3. There is slight image noise at grey on my screen. When i unplugg the hdmi cable, the screen shows a very similar looking grey like the win 8 "startgrey" and there is no noise. So is this caused by the lowprice hdmi or the radeon?
Thank you in advance,
Hi. Nice system you have there. Surprised it's warm? It's AMD, it's normal.
Now about filters. They will not make your system warmer if they are a simple net. The net itself will catch the large particles of dust, but the tiny ones will still go pass it. Now there are spongy filters on the market that offer better dust protection, but they will slightly lower your airflow. There is a thing that you can do about that.
Buy 3 filters, 2 for the front and one for the rear, that you will make an intake. You will need two fans for the roof of the case, acting as exhaust. At that point you will have 3 intakes with filters and two exhausts. Positive pressure with filters. The best option.
Making the rad intake will make it use cold air fromoutside and lower the CPU temps, and the 5 fan combo will cool everything else.
Thank you for the fast response
Well, i am suprised about how cold it is. At least the CPU. ATM its at 29°C (84°F) and under prime small FFT's its about 55°C (131°F). Just the northbridge reaches 65°C.
About the cooling: I don't think i can attach the two fans at the roof because the watercoling radiator is such big. My current coolingsetup is: the two stockfans at the front blowing into the case, the PSU blowing behind the tower and 2 fans at my radiator at the back of the tower at the same height of the CPU blowing out.
I can attach one Fan at the right side, what i maybe want to do to coole the MB (even if it never climpes up to 28°C (82°F) but to suport the GPU a bit. Then i could attach one fan at the bottom ant theoraticaly two at the roof. But as i said, i can just attach one because of the huge radiator.
And one strange thing: 30 mins before, i shut the pc off, but i recognized that the two frontfans are spinning. I thought it will take a while maybe cause of stupid win updates. I left the house and get back 20 mins later to see, that its not yet off. I reseted it and the BIOS beeped like hell and it says: CPU OVERTEMP. Instantaneously i killed it and opened the case. I dont know what happend, but the watercooling unit was to damn hot.. Maybe the PC throttled the pump and after this it does not start back after the temp reaches the criticial temperature. However. After 2 mins of blowing and hoping i startet it bach and go to the Sensors as fast as possible. 67°C CPU temp.
What was that? It scared the hell out of me..
However: My plan is, to attach 2 filters at the front fans, and one additional fan with filter at the side.
I think i will go for this one: Nanoxia Deep Silence NDS 120, 1300rpm. Do you think the static pressure is enough?
Check the pump. It could be loose and so the CPU gets to hot, cause it can't make a good contact with the pump. Check that.
About the fans - well, still you have the option to turn the exhaust rad fans as intakes and put a filter on them. On top of the case you need one fan as exhaust. If you don't wana change the rad orientation, you can easily add a fan at the bottom of the case if that is an option. The bottom fan will bring fresh air directly to the GPU. Also will help directing the airflow. The side intake i don't personally like as an idea in general. This way you will have 3 intakes - 2 at the front and the bottom one, and rad as exhaust and top exhaust. The top and rear exhausts will take the hot air and pull it out, so the temps of the mobo should go down a bit. Having so many fans you can even lower the RPM and make them quieter. Meaning there are cables that take molex input and give 2-pin fan header with 7V. This way the fans will be quieter, but 5 of them will make enough airflow.
I just took a look at the fans... 14dBa?! WTF, those are silent as hell... However, the Pressure of 1,27 is low for a radiator. Having Push/Pull with those is OK, but not push only or pull only. For the fan filters - they will give almost no effect on those. There will be an effect, don't get me wrong, the spongy filters are kind of blocking, but 1,27 will be enough to negate the blockade. Those are some nice fans, damit...
Thank you very much, i will try it with one fan on top with the stock filter and one as outtake on the roof.
And to the fans: Yes, they lock very good to me too, cause of the price and the db's. But they just got a sleeve bearing, what is ok for me.